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The Teacher Collection

Create Your Own Gratitude Jar

Create Your Own Gratitude Jar

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Create Your Own Gratitude Jar

Positive Psychology focuses on the positive influences that underpin wellbeing. It explores positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishments – all factors which protect us against burnout, isolation, boredom and lack of autonomy.

The more we express what we appreciate, the more we realise what abundance and richness our lives can be filled with. It's not necessarily the big and bold things we need to express gratitude for. Relatively smaller things like a yummy lunch, a smile from a stranger, a new flower or the warmth of the sun can be impactful when you notice them.

How to Use this Resource

This resource is best used daily. Find a place where you feel at peace. Block out 5 minutes for yourself by setting a timer. Choose a moment from today and write it on the jar. As you colour or decorate your jar, reflect on why that moment was your highlight for the day.

Finding the 'why' here is important. Consider why that person, event or moment in time made you feel how you did. Name the emotions you felt. Sharing your gratitude with someone adds a deeper layer to our own sense of appreciation, and helps them feel valued, important and connected.

Creating your Jar

  • Grab a jar out of the cupboard. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. An old jam, spread or coffee jar will do.
  • Give it a clean. You might like to add some decorations to it like the examples on the next page.
  • Fold your note each day and place it in the jar
  • Open up your jar at the end of each week/month and read all the wonderful things you have experienced!

This resource bundle includes

  • Instructions on how to use this resource
  • Examples of how to make your own gratitude jar
  • Ideas bank of alternative uses
  • Blank and pre-filled labels for your jar
  • 5 jar templates, ready for printing
  • Coloured and black and white individual jar templates 
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So what do I get?

By being a part of the Wellbeing Hub, you’ll be able to:

  • Access current research in the wellbeing space and explore the possibilities for teachers
  • Network with like-minded teachers, who can provide a unique support and knowledge network for you as a teacher and as a person
  • Find flexibility with a program that evolves and modifies around your needs and interests
  • Structure a strong habit that meets all the dimensions of wellbeing 
  • Develop an awareness of your wellbeing strengths and barriers
  • Dip into a repertoire of strategies available to support your wellbeing
  • Use resources and templates to save your valuable time 
  • Create clearer flow between your life as a teacher and as a person 
  • This is the program for you if...

    • You want a wellbeing pathway that is tailored to your strengths, interests and passions
    • You want wellbeing strategies based on research
    • You are looking for resources and templates to support your wellbeing
    • You’re seeking a supportive, judgement-free space to share and learn
    • You want to take ownership and responsibility over your wellbeing now rather than wait for departmental programs to come into play
    • You want to work alongside a safe, respectful and knowledgeable community of like-minded teachers who share a common goal

You're probably wondering...

Why am I the best person to lead this program?

I’m currently a teacher and have been teaching for the past eight years. I get it. I know what it’s like and I’m going through the education system right now alongside you. I understand the contemporary challenges of being a teacher. I also work in a regional, high disadvantage setting, so I understand the additional unique set of challenges that come with that context.

I’m constantly reading and accessing the research, reviewing current studies and considering the implications for teachers. Not only is this a job for me, but it’s an area I’m passionate about. As well as having undertaken significant professional learning within this area, I’ve also completed a Masters of Evidence Based Teaching (University of Melbourne), with the focus of that being in the wellbeing space. 

Most importantly though, I care. I care about our teachers, the challenges they face. We have kids within our education system that really need us. We are their person, and when we give so much to them, day in and day out, the toll on us can be immense. We can wait the 10+ years it could take to develop policies and a clear, coordinated approach to support teacher wellbeing, or we can take ownership of our own wellness now. It fills my cup being able to support my colleagues.